Join Stephanie as she interviews Elizabeth Quinn, mom of four and ICAN chapter leader, to discuss vaginal birth after cesearan (VBACs). You'll be inspired by Elizabeth's story and learn about VBAC safety, concerns, preparation, and strategies for healing physically and emotionally from your past birth(s). She also shares her favorite resources to help moms learn about their options and provides advice on finding a supportive provider.
Elizabeth Quinn's bio:
Elizabeth Quinn and her husband, Percy are raising their children in Jackson, Mississippi. They have four children: daughters Chesley, 7 years old, Anders 5 years old, and Adella 2.5 years old and they just welcomed their son on July 1, Sims McCallum. Elizabeth had a unnecessary section with her first child and a repeat section with her second before finding ICAN. It was with the support of her ICAN chapter that she went for and achieved a vba2c with her third and fourth children. She is chapter leader of ICAN of Jackson, Mississippi and active in the birth community there.
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